In the Spotlight
The 2004 Goldhills Show String!
see the 2003
Results here
Gayfields Call the Cops LOM
Section B Welsh Stallion
Call the Cops' 2004 Show season started out in Combined Driving, showing in a pair with his half-sisters, Gayfields Honolulu, and Gayfields Prom Queen Wannabe as the spare. So far this year the pair is competing on the East Coast, starting 2004 with a big win at Live Oak! The ponies and driver Caroline Whittle are long listed for the US National Team for the World Pony Driving Championships for both 2003 and 2004!
Cops has also been to a few Welsh shows and has brought home 3 Section B Grand Championships, 1 Reserve, Two Res. Supreme Championships and 2 Ridden Championships!
2004 Highlights
WPCSA Southwest Region Champion Section B Stallion
WPCSA Northwest Region Res Champion Section B Stallion
Fourth Nationally
Carriage Driving - WPCSA Southwest Region Champion
Pleasure Driving WPCSA Northwest Region Champion, Southwest Region Res ChampionLive Oak-CAI CDE - Advanced Pony Pairs- 1st
Southern Pines CDE - Advanced Pony Pairs - 2nd
Garden State CDE - Advanced Pony Pairs - 1stGet of Sire - 4 judges - 4 firsts!
California Welsh Festival
Grand Champion/Res Grand Champion Section B
Ridden ChampionSanta Barbara National
Grand Champion Section B - Res. Supreme Champion - both judges
Ridden Champion
Carriage Driving ChampionEEWPS Annual Show
Grand Champion Section B - Reserve Supreme ChampionNWWC - Western National
Res. Champion B Stallion
Carriage Driving Champion
Pleasure Driving ChampionPacific Coast Classic - American National
Res. Supreme Champion
Carriage Driving ChampionOregon Fall Classic
All Breed Pleasure Driving Champion
Welsh Pleasure Driving Champion
Goldhills Hanky Panky
(*Okeden Taffy x *Okeden Honeysuckle)
Section D Welsh Cob Mare
Hanky Panky topped the Nation as a yearling in 2002 and has continued her winning ways in 2003 with another National Championship! She is continuing to impress us with her 2004 performance debut in Pleasure Driving - winning her first six classes.
2004 Highlights
WPCSA National Champion Section D Mares
WPCSA National Champion C/D Pleasure Driving
D Mares Champion Northwest & Southwest Regions
Pleasure Driving Champion Northwest & Southwest RegionsSaddle-Up Series #1
1st/2nd - Section D Mare/Grand Champion Section D/Reserve Supreme Champion
Pleasure Driving Division ChampionSLWPA Spring
1st/1st Section D Mare/Res. Grand Champion Section D
Pleasure Driving Division ChampionCalifornia Welsh Festival
1st/2nd Section D Mare/Res Grand Champion Section D
C/D Pleasure Driving Division ChampionOWPS Annual Show
1st/1st Section D Mare/Grand Champion D
Carriage Driving Division Champion
C/D Pleasure Driving Res Division Champion
Goldhills Abracadabra
Section B Welsh Filly
Abracadabra started her show career with a bang in 2003 - four judges, four firsts, twice Reserve Champion B Filly, twice Grand Champion B, one Supreme Champion and one reserve Supreme.
She started 2004 right where she left off!
2004 HighlightsWPCSA Southwest Region Champion B Filly
WPCSA Northwest Region Champion B Filly
Third NationalySaddle-Up Series #1
1st/1st - Section B 2 & under (10 entires!)
Double Grand Champion Section B/ Double Supreme ChampionSLWPA Spring
2nd Section B 2 & under/Res. Grand Champion Section BWest Coast Welsh Spring
1st/1st Section B 2 & under Fillies
Double Grand Champion Section B/ Double Supreme ChampionCalifornia Welsh Festival
1st/1st Section B 2 & under fillies
Overall Youngstock Champion (both judges!)Santa Barbara National
1st/1st Section B 2 year old fillies
Junior Champion Section B filly (both judges)
Gallod Owain
(*Okeden Welsh Flyer x *Gallod Lady Go Bang)
Section D Welsh Colt
2004 Highlights
WPCSA National Champion Section D Colt
Section D Colt - Champion Northwest & Southwest RegionsSaddle-Up Series #1
1st/1st - Section D 2 & under/dbl Res. Champion Section DSLWPA Spring
1st/1st - Section D 2 & underSaddle-Up Series #2
1st/1st Section D 2 & underWest Coast Welsh Spring
1st/1st Section D 2 & under
Grand Champion Section C/DCalifornia Welsh Festival
1st/1st Section D 2 & under
Res. Grand Champion Section DOWPS Annual Show
1st/2nd C/D Colts 2 & under
Res. Grand Champion Section C/D
Goldhills Ready to Rumble
(Gayfields Call the Cops LOM x Goldhills Bright Reflection)
Section B Welsh Gelding
2004 Highlights
WPCSA Southwest Region Champion Pleasure Driving
Saddle-Up Series #1
1st/1st - Section B Gelding/Supreme Champion GeldingSLWPA Spring
1st Section B Gelding/Res. Supreme Champion Gelding
Pleasure Driving Division Champion
Carriage Driving Division ChampionSaddle Up Series #2
1st/2nd Section B Gelding/Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding
Pleasure Driving Division Champion
Carriage Driving Division ChampionCalifornia Welsh Festival
Pleasure Driving Division ChampionOWPS Annual Show
1st Section B Geldings/Res. Supreme Champion Gelding
Res Division Champion Pleasure Driving
Res Division Champion Carriage Driving
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