In the Spotlight
The 2012 Goldhills Show String!
See 2011
2010 20092008
2005 20042003
Goldhills Hot Mocha LOM/AOE
(*Okeden Taffy LOM/AOE/OD x *Okeden Honeysuckle LOM/AOE/OD)
Section D Welsh Cob Mare
Mocha continues as a part of the Goldhills show string.
In a very light show season, Mocha has earned 3 Supreme Championships in 2012, at Gold, silver and bronz shows!
Goldhills Mystique LOM/AOE/OD
(Gayfields Call the Cops /LOM/AOE/OD x Mary's Melody LOM/AOE/OD)
Section B Welsh Mare
After a couple of years off, Mystique rejoins the show string in 2012 in her new primary job of kid's pony!
Goldhills Ghiraradelli Dark
(*Okeden Taffy LOM/AOE/OD x *Sydenham Gardenia LOM)
Section D Welsh Cob Colt - 2 years old
Chocolate makes his debut as part of the show string.
At his third show in September 2012 Chocolate is named Supreme Champion!
Goldhills Bond Girl
(Gayfields Call the Cops LOM/AOE/OD x Goldhills Bright Reflection LOM)
Section B Welsh Filly - 2 year oldBG is having a great start to the year, with two shows, 2 Grand Championships, a Reserve Supreme and a Supreme Championship all against some of the top ponies around!
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